Registering Your Entry
Complete the online entry form below, and make your payment via Pay Pal - Alternatively download the postal application form at the bottom of this page. Entry costs £16 with a £2 discount for affiliated club runners.
To avoid confusion we have removed the ability to enter multiple people with one payment so please complete and pay for each entrant separately
Last year a handful of i-phones had problems registering. We do not know the cause, however should you have difficulty, registration will certainly work on a pc, tablet or mac. In addition if you successfully register and get a conformation from Pay Pal but fail to get a confirmation from Woodcote 10k, please contact the organiser at:

Terms and Conditions of Entry
I declare that to the best of my knowledge, I am fit to take part in this event. I agree that the organisers, their agents and sponsors are not responsible or liable for any injury (incl. fatality), loss, accident or damage to either my person or property as a result of my participation in this event.
I recognise that fitness, suitable attire and shoes are necessary for this run. Running with headphones is prohibited.
lf due to bad weather, Police advice or any other reason the event has to be cancelled, we regret that no refunds can be claimed. However the net receipts will still be paid to our charitable causes
I recognise Pangbourne Rotary Club will keep my data for three years. They will not pass this to any third party. They may use it to update me on the current race and let you know of plans for next years race.